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Firefly-Serenity Funsite
Filk (Parody) Songs

The Guys with Those Blue Hands

"Two by two, hands of blue . . . ."

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The Guys with Those Blue Hands

By Ying (2002), with apologies to "I Want to Hold Your Hand" by the Beatles (written by John Lennon/Paul McCartney, 1963)

Oh yeah, they're up to something
I don't quite understand
But they're up to something
The guys with those Blue Hands
The guys with those Blue Hands
The guys with those Blue Hands

They cut up her brain
They messed up River Tam
Just cut up her brain
Now River's on the lam
Now River's on the lam
She's wanted by Blue Hands

And when she feels things, she feels all their full might
She's got a stripped a-myg-da-la
She ain't right, she ain't right, she ain't right

Yeah, they do some bad things
I don't quite understand
But they're up to something
The guys with those Blue Hands
The guys with those Blue Hands
The guys with those Blue Hands

And when they wand you, something happens inside
Soon you'll be feeling, due to blood
Creepified, creepified, creepified

Yeah, they do some bad things
I think I understand
It might be a Blue Sun thing
Academy's a sham!
The guys with those Blue Hands
The guys with those Blue Hands
I'm wanded by Blue Haaaaa—  Aaack!

Except for parodied song/TV show sources, all contents of this Firefly-Serenity Funsite page copyright © 2002 Ying, fireflyfunsite at kevinsullivansite dot net. Posted December 21, 2002.