Firefly-Serenity Funsite
2. Site for Sore Eyes
Solve at your leisure by printing out the puzzle images and clues text below. Printing in black-only works fine.
Crosswords Main Page | Main Page
- 1. "Take me out __"
- 2. Site for Simon, shipboard
- 6. 1st ep with Saffron
- 8. Person River apes and calls 23-Across
- 10. Mal and Zoe
- 12. Some Serenity cargo
- 15. Kaylee couldn't, on Niska's station
- 17. With 9-Down, "Out __"
- 18. With 21-Across, Ariel exam, essentially
- 21. See 18-Across
- 23. "...little king of a __ little hill."
- 24. Figure out, determine (with out)
- 25. How everyone dies, thinks Mal
- 26. Site for a Mal fight
- 27. 1st ep with Niska
- 28. Earth-that follower
- 29. Common vulgarisms
- 31. Site for powers that can't stop River
- 32. "I'm still __"
- 1. "__, hands of blue"
- 2. Ident, nowadays
- 3. "Firefly" men and women aboard, additionally? (3 words)
- 4. Jayne may look better in it
- 5. Rents from Reynolds
- 7. River, to Simon (dong ma?)
- 8. Respond to a Blue Glove wand
- 9. See 17-Across
- 11. Mal's shindig morning-after
- 13. Niska ransom refund
- 14. Site for Jayne's mud buds
- 15. Saffron weapon
- 16. Smack 22-Down or do this so they walk
- 18. Mechanic who wasn't better?
- 19. Site for companion coaching
- 20. Alliance army's apple add-on
- 22. Some Serenity cargo
- 24. Mal, in mil.
- 30. 1 of FF's genres
Solution below
- 1. "Take me out __"
- to
- 2. Site for Simon, shipboard
- infirmary
- 6. 1st ep with Saffron
- 8. Person River apes and calls 23-Across
- Badger
- 10. Mal and Zoe
- Independents
- 12. Some Serenity cargo
- medicine
- 15. Kaylee couldn't, on Niska's station
- kill
- 17. With 9-Down, "Out __"
- of
- 18. With 21-Across, Ariel exam, essentially
- brain
- 21. See 18-Across [With 21-Across, Ariel exam, essentially]
- scan
- 23. "...little king of a __ little hill."
- sad
- 24. Figure out, determine (with out)
- suss
- 25. How everyone dies, thinks Mal
- alone
- 26. Site for a Mal fight
- bar
- 27. 1st ep with Niska
- 28. Earth-that follower
- was
- 29. Common vulgarisms
- gorramns
- 31. Site for powers that can't stop River
- 'verse
- 32. "I'm still __"
- free
- 1. "__, hands of blue"
- two
- 2. Ident, nowadays
- ID
- 3. "Firefly" men and women aboard, additionally? (3 words)
- five plus four
- 4. Jayne may look better in it
- red
- 5. Rents from Reynolds
- Serra
- 7. River, to Simon (dong ma?)
- meimei
- 8. Respond to a Blue Glove wand
- bleed
- 9. See 17-Across [With 9-Down, "Out __"]
- Gas
- 11. Mal's shindig morning-after
- duel
- 13. Niska ransom refund
- ear
- 14. Site for Jayne's mud buds
- Canton
- 15. Saffron weapon
- kiss
- 16. Smack 22-Down or do this so they walk
- lead
- 18. Mechanic who wasn't better?
- Bester
- 19. Site for companion coaching
- academy
- 20. Alliance army's apple add-on
- grenade
- 22. Some Serenity cargo
- cattle
- 24. Mal, in mil.
- sarge
- 30. 1 of FF's genres
- SF
Except for source material, all contents of this Firefly-Serenity Funsite page copyright © 2006 Ying, fireflyfunsite at kevinsullivansite dot net. Updated September 25, 2006.